A Simple Truth About:
1. Honesty;
- It is much easier to speak only
what is true because lies are just like boomerangs; they will soon come
back to you.
2. Money;
- Possessions do not determine
your wealth and that your plastic credit cards are debt-detrimental to your
3. Loss;
- When you loss someone who is a
part of who you are; time will surely heal the wound, but it wouldn't
erase the scar.
4. Stress;
- It is okay to answer
"No" with strong tenacity; for even a large porous sponge
reaches its capacity.
5. Success;
- Success should not be measured
in what you will buy or own; but in the pride you feel, in the person you
are with when you are all alone.
6. Simplicity;
- The phrase "Less is
More" is absolutely true; with too much of what you don't need, its
hard to find the things you do.
7. Anger;
- The words are permanent; hearts
can not be unbroken and saying "I am sorry" can not retrieve
angry words that have spoken.
8. First Impressions;
- Not to rely on first
impressions for things aren't always as they seem. Sometimes the very
smallest player is the best one on the team.
9. And finally A Simple Truth About Life;
- There are certain things that may never be fully understood; for life isn't always fair, but it is still pretty darn good.
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