Self Esteem
- what a man thinks of himself; that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate.
-Henry David Thoreau
Some comparison characteristics of people with high and low Self-Esteem:
High Self Esteem Low Self Esteem
#Talk about ideas #Talk about people
#Caring Attitude #Critical attitude
#Humility #Arrogance
#Respects authority #Rebels against authority
#Courage of conviction #Goes along to get along
#Confidence #Confusion
#Concerned about character #Concerned about reputation
#Assertive #Aggressive
#Accepts responsibility #Blames the whole world
#Self interest #Selfish
#Optimistic #Fatalistic
#Understanding #Greedy
#Willing to learn #Know it all
#Sensitive #Touchy
#Solitude #Lonely
#Discuss # Argue
#Guided #Misguided
#Discipline #Distorted sense of freedom
#Internally driven #Externally driven
#Respects others #Looks down on others
#Enjoy decency #Enjoy vulgarity
#Knows limits #Everything goes
#Giver #Taker
Positive Self Esteem Negative Self Esteem
*Self respect *Self put down
*Self confidence *Self doubt
*Self worth *Self abuse
*Self acceptance *Self denial
*Self love *Self centeredness
*Self knowledge *Self deceit
*Self discipline *Self indulgence
- Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired but controlling the desire.
- Our privileges can be no greater than our obligations. The protection of our rights can endure no longer than the performance of our responsibilities. -John F. Kennedy
- Associate yourself with people of good quality if you esteem your reputation,for it is better to be alone than to be in bad company. -George Washington
- Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.
-Brian Adams
- A good beginning makes a good ending. -English proverb
Self Esteem-Building a positive attitude
- Read life stories of people who have turned negative into positives. Make reading good books or listening to inspirational audio tapes part of your daily routine.
- Regularly and systematically commit a portion of your time and/or money to charitable activity without any expectations in cash or kind.
- Stay away from negative influences. Don't give into peer pressure.
- Practice giving and receiving sincere compliments graciously and gracefully.
- Start accepting responsibility for your behavior and actions.
- Practice self discipline even when it is not comfortable.
- Associate with people of high moral character.
- Be creative and find ways to turn your weakness into strengths.
- Practice patience; persevere even if the results are not visible.
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